August 17, 2007

Cook many do you own?

What is it about cookbooks that draws me in like a moth to a flame? I'm serious, it's almost like an addiction of sorts, LOL!

SOooooooooo, I'm working at the base thrift shop 3 days a week and I'm finding all sorts of little treasures in the place, my latest being a beautiful assortment of cookbooks. Many are near being brand new, like they've maybe been cracked open- glanced at - then consigned or donated to our thrift shop. We're selling them for a fraction of their retail cost. I was able to get some fantastic cookbooks which are making me want to cook up a storm this weekend! The Fish cookbook is making me drool! I look as if I have a serious case of rabies, LOL! There's on all about Vinegarettes- WOW that's one amazing cookbook! The kids cookbook is about cooking experiments- Hannah has the death grip on this one and we've already made 2 "experiments" from this great kids in the kitchen cookbook