February 1, 2007

Welcome to February!

It's seriously cold today! Only 1 thing can conquer that and it's my home made vegetarian chili! I've decided that I need to make a recipe page for it, I'll make one with the normal sized recipe, I usually make a double the recipe sized batch and freeze the leftovers. With that in mind it's time to get those cans of beans and tomatoes out of the freezing cold garage and into the house to thaw out a bit. I have an easier time working with the ingredients when they aren't in frozen block, LOL!

I also have plans on making a Turtle Cheesecake for a baby shower this weekend, a New York Cheesecake as a gift and having a hot Apple Crisp waiting for my children when they come home from school today! Plus that pot of chili...I better get a move on!

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