January 22, 2008

How much cookware do you own?

Lets face it, there are those of us that love to bake and cook and those that don't. With my passion for cooking comes this need for the right tools for the job. I have amassed a collection of bakeware and cookware that has spread past my kitchen being able to contain it all. One thing that my kitchen is no longer able to store is my collection of decorative cake pans and spring form pans. I own a wide variety of spring form pans of various sizes and they have all come in very handy! I have cake pans in all sorts of shapes and even many different types of bundt cake pans. And lets not even start with the muffin tins, popover tins and mini tart tins (insert eye roll here). I can say in my defense that I have used them all at one time or another. I've even used my cupcake trees :-)

Roasting pans...how many of these do I really need? I have 3 of those enamel coasted metal roasters in various sizes, and 4 clay roasters of various sizes. I have no plans of getting rid of the clay roasters (I really enjoy cooking in them) but I am going to take all of my enamel roasters in to the Thrift Shop and sell them off. How many food items can I roast at one time anyway? Besides I have 2 of those open type roasting pans (they are a medium and large size) and I've been pretty happy with them. So the enameled metal roasters are out of here! I need to call my Mom and see if she would like a small one (I bet she would).

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